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but also new needs that, in the case of a child with developmental disabilities, expand and complicate. If you manage to recognize them in time and adequately satisfy them, you will enrich your child's experience and knowledge. Your role is not only to meet the needs of the child.
By doing so, you would involuntarily passivize him, reducing his chances of expressing his maximum potential as a human being. Therefore, it is necessary that you skillfully and expertly make requests, of course appropriate to his current powers.
Every, even the smallest step forward, will fill you with a sense of importance and success in your role as a parent. At the same time, it will represent the necessary incentive, energy and motivation for a new effort. You will discover, over time, that this lovely, gentle and wonderful child is loved in a special way, because in everything he is different, special, specific.
Focus on solving the problems gradually in the order in which they are encountered. There are also experts to help you in everything
help. We are sure that all your love and effort, invested in the care and upbringing of your child, will return to you many times over. A child is born. After a detailed examination, the doctor informs you that your baby has Down syndrome.